I'm not a hundred percent sure if this is the exact quote because I'm too lazy to look it up and I may have a slight hangover from a couple of days of drinking this weekend but it goes something like this " To alcohol, the cause of, or the solution to all of life's problems". For those of you not familiar with FOX animation domination Sunday, this may sound like something from a person who is destined to be in one of those anonymous 12 step meetings. For the rest of us we know that it's just another day in the life of Homer Simpson.
Before I get to far into this I want you to know that I'm not an alcoholic, they go to meetings. This is not a thinly veiled cry for help. This is not me making light of anyone with a drinking problem, yet. What this is, is a celebration of all things alcohol! That miracle social lubricant that can turn the dullest of parties into the stuff of legend. Who hasn't walked into a room and taken a look around and at least once and said " GOD, I really need a drink right now "?
As a matter of fact I went out and got a six pack just that quick! Yes, I know how that sounds. No, I really don't care. It's considered brunch if you drink it with a meal after 10 am right?
Oh the magic that is alcohol, the nectar of the gods, the scourge of the1920's and the thing that makes karaoke fun. Seriously, have you ever had fun doing karaoke and not had at least one drink? Hell I remember this one time I went to this bar that had karaoke (Now when I say remember, what I really mean is from brief flashes of memory and what witnesses said in the police report.) and had a great time singing, making new friends and a few enemies. I danced on tables, pissed on potted plants and flung cigarette butts at passing cars, people, pigeons (I think they were pigeons) and anything else that moved, real or imagined. What other legal substance can provide you with such a wealth of ... (my beer is kicking in) what ever the fuck it's called!
Some of the best times of my life, have been lubricated with this intoxicating libation . Why, I was reminded of one today when a friend of mine posted this
Dan Yg commented on Robert J wall post on Dan Y's wall.
Dan Y. Wow, I never thought I'd say this but clearly your brain cells are a hardier lot than mine. Just looking back it would have seemed like I'd known you already at that point. The bottle was a gift from Maurice Shawn Mondesire and we killed it off over the weekend. ...so many good and strange memories from that house. - Miss you too! Love ya, mang. Do you remember the year? 1993,94?
3 hours ago ·
Maurice Shawn Mondesire Oh those were the days. When everything was fresh and new and it only took half as much alcohol to get drunk as it does today.
about an hour ago ·
See what I mean? I'd love to say that I was making this shit up, but I can't. If you ask anyone who knows me they'll tell you that I love to have a drink or 17 from time to time. Not all the time mind you, but often enough. Like on those days that end with Y, can you think of a better reason to knock one down? How about when your boss asks you to train the new guy and you already have a ton of crap to do? Oh, here's a really good one, those times when your mother starts talking about people who've died and you have no idea who the hell those people were. Or any time you watch the news? There is always a reason to drink be it good, bad or otherwise.
So I will leave you whit this from greatquotes.com "You may insist you only drink when you are watching the game with your friends, celebrating a special event, or with three meals a day, seven days a week, but man has justified his indulgence for getting inebriated since beer was invented before 9000 B.C. It is an escape for some, a comfort for others, and a social pastime for many. Entire cultures of people have been brought together by this single activity—the Irish and Germans most notably—and many famous people have been caught with a beer or other drink in hand, such as Ben Franklin, Winston Churchill, Boris Yeltsin, and the list goes on. Whether you are the one standing on tables or the more responsible ‘designated driver,’ drinking is part of all our lives."
Ok I've got to go. My beer is getting warm.
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